Middle Distance Runner - The Unbeliever


Middle Distance Runner - The Unbeliever Music Video

Ever wondered what you'd look like molded out of clay? The guys in Middle Distance Runner need wonder no more -- director Maxwell Sorensen used a few buckets of molding clay and stop motion animation to create the look for MDR's new video for "The Unbeliever". About halfway through, the video takes a turn for the worst -- let's just say their gear has some alternate plans for them. Here's what Sorensen had to say...

"When I met with MDR to conceive a music video project they had few preconditions, except that they were interested in traditional stop motion animation technique and that they all wanted to die a gruesome death. As a huge fan of Frank Zappa`s animator/collaborator Bruce Bickford (Babysnakes, Amazing Mr. Bickford) I suggested clay. It`s an incredibly flexible medium, especially for portraying carnage and the supernatural. It turned out the guys in the band were already aficionados of clay based stop motion animation, so they loved the idea. In a three hour brainstorming session each member designed his own death, and then I outlined the logistics of photographing and animating each death. Rather than following the traditional rock`n`roll cliché where the band destroys their instruments, we decided to turn the tables and have the instruments destroy them by way of a demonic poltergeist."The Unbeliever" 7" is available digitally on March 17th and in stores on March 24th. Catch them in Austin at SXSW followed by a mini-tour with Dangerbird Records' Eulogies. Middle Distance Runner, The Unbeliever, video, song, html, code, myspace, music

Rock & Alternative
Middle Distance Runner, The Unbeliever, video, song, html, code, myspace, music
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