Clip de "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" Découvrez le premier album de Lady Gaga, "The Fame", inclus tous ses tubes (Just Dance, Poker Face, Lovegame, Eh Eh, Paparazzi....
"Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Sa)" is a pop song by American singer-songwriter Lady Gaga from her debut album "The Fame". She came up with the title all by herself. Lady Gaga stated that the lyrics of "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" is a love song and she explained that: "`Eh, Eh' is my simple pop song about finding someone new and breaking up with the old boyfriend."
The Italian-based video for the song, directed by Joseph Kahn, was shot back to back with the video of the song "LoveGame" on the weekend of 9 January 2009 in Los Angeles.
About the video, Gaga explained that "I wanted to show a different side of myself - perhaps a more domestic girly side. And I wanted to create beautiful, stunning '50s futuristic fashion imagery that would burn holes in everyone's brains."
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