R.E.M. - Oh My Heart (New Song)


March 15, 2011 R.E.M.'s fifteenth album just came out last week. This single was released only in Germany and Austria, charting at #46 and #47, respectively - Enjoy....share with your friends, write a comment, show you thanks and love for R.E.M. - "Oh My Heart" and don't forget to buy their single / album!!. Musicvideolife.com music on demand with lyrics on demand.

R.E.M. - "Oh My Heart" lyrics

Check back within a few days or weeks and the R.E.M. - "Oh My Heart" lyrics Should be here.

But if you feel like you are up to the challenge You can add the R.E.M. - "Oh My Heart" lyrics yourself in the 'comment' field below. It would be much appreciated by us and other visitors. thankyou!!

Rock & Alternative
R.E.M., alternative, rock
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