Oksana Grigorieva - Evening with Daddy


September 12, 2009 Oksana Grigorieva Evening with Daddy. Song: Evening With Daddy written and produced by Oksana Grigorieva Video directed by Mel Gibson.

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Popular Oksana Grigorieva Evening with Daddy Lyrics which becomes a hits on Music Charts around the world : Billboard (US), BBC UK and Aria (Australia). Including Oksana Grigorieva Evening with Daddy  song information : band / artist name, name of the album, single release date and music genre.

Oksana Grigorieva Evening with Daddy lyrics

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Evening with Daddy, Oksana Grigorieva, Mel Gibson, Oksana Piano, Vocal, Classical, Rock, KAte Bush, Tori Amos, Sarah McLaclan, Joni Mitchell
  • WriteLoudly

    This reeks of a set-up. Extortion? No question.
    Come on…leaked tapes? Made by the girlfriend?
    Please a dishonest, money-hungry Russian, not a stretch.

    Hello Russian Brides from Moscow ring a bell, these chicks train for this. She’s not walking away without a payday!

    Guys like Mel, too easy a target, like shooting ducks in a barrel.

  • vlad

    uh... hmm. she'd be better off not singing.