Moray Mclaren - We Got Time Official


Moray MclarenWe Got Tim. If you're a sucker for pre-cinema optical toys - kinetoscopes, zoetropes, magic lanterns, and the praxinoscopes, then David Wilson has just made your day in the video for "We Got Time," by Moray Mclaren.Wilson doesn`t just rely on the charm of the medium though. Using the mechanism of rotation and looping as a starting point, he`s able to create a journey using simple but hypnotic animations that tie into the idea of life/death cycles. Press play, and begin the adventure.

Moray MclarenWe Got Tim New HQ HD CDQ Official  Music Video Code for your webpage, Blog, MySpace, HI5, Xanga, Friendster, Facebook, profile and so on.

Moray Mclaren We Got Time, pre-cinema optical toys - kinetoscopes, zoetropes, magic lanterns, praxinoscopes, David Wilson
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