Keith Urban - Til Summer Comes Around Official


January 13, 2010 Keith Urban's Official Music Video For "Til Summer Comes Around."  Keith Urban has unveiled a music video suporting his single " 'Til Sumer Comes Around". The video was filmed in southern California in November 2009, exposing the summer warmth of the meadow with a theme park featured in the distance. A couple is seen enjoying each other's company in the open place.

Watch Keith Urban "Til Summer Comes Around" New HQ HD CDQ Official Music Html Video Code to put on your webpage,Blog, MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Friendster, Tagged, Hi5,Orkut, Piczo,BlackPlanet, Xanga, profile and so on. This video is made only to promote the artist. Content is copyrighted and property to their respective owners!. The Keith Urban "Til Summer Comes Around" video should be accessible on this site from every country.

Popular Keith Urban "Til Summer Comes Around" Lyrics which becomes a hits on Music Charts around the world : Billboard (US), BBC UK and Aria (Australia). Including Keith Urban song information : band / artist name, name of the album, single release date and music genre.

Keith Urban "Til Summer Comes Around" Lyrics:


// Enjoy....share with your friends .. write a comment, show you thanks and love for Keith Urban and don't forget to buy their single / album!!. music on demand with lyrics on demand. Keith Urban "Til Summer Comes Around" country music news.

Keith, Urban, Monkeyville, Til, Summer, Comes, Around, Country, Music, Video, Defying, Gravity, KIss, Girl
  • Granna

    Beautiful video and Keith performs this song with so much passion!! I love it!