Joker's Daughter - Worm's Head

Joker's Daughter is the collaboration between Helena Costas with Danger Mouse, her being a vocalist, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, and him being the renowned artist and producer. The track Worm's Head is taken from the debut album The Last Laugh, released on Domino (ex N America in June 2009)

Double Six Records are proud to announce The Last Laugh, the debut album from Joker`s Daughter, featuring vocalist, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Helena Costas.

Like a cryptic, symbolic dream, the music feeds on a range of conscious and unconscious influences, from classical violin training to Arthurian legend to a certain fascination with food. The result is haunting, infectious, and playful; a rich harvest from a broad psychic landscape. Danger Mouse's verdant production and instrumentation compliment the full spectrum of emotion in Helena's music, from grief to celebration to happy ambiguity.

"Worm's Head" is Joker's Daughter's EP of the same name, which is out now via Team Love. New Music Video Code into your webpage, Blog, MySpace, HI5, Xanga, Friendster, Facebook, profile and so on:.

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