David Cook - The Last Goodbye


May 24, 2011 Video Premiere: David Cook's 'The Last Goodbye. Check out the music video for David Cook's new single "The Last Goodbye."  Great video! The storyline in this one is really good. David's album This Loud Morning hits stores June 28th!. The music video is directed by Nigel Dick (Britney Spears, Oasis, Nickelback), and was shot in Malibu earlier this month. "It would have been easy to just set the band up and do a broody performance video," Cook explained to EW. "But I wanted to do something a little more fun." -  This David Cook - "The Last Goodbye" video is made only to promote the artist. Content is copyrighted and property to their respective owners!. The David Cook - "The Last Goodbye" video should be accessible on this site from every country.

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David Cook - "The Last Goodbye" Lyrics 

If you hear this on the radio
Then we’ve already said our last goodbye
I won’t be there when you get home
By now there’s someone else that hears you cry
I wonder if he holds you like I did
I hope that he can love you better
Cause we were everything that’s right at the wrong time


I didn’t want to lose you
Leave you with a broken heart
But wherever we are, we’re miles apart

I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye
Oh, I didn’t want to let you go
But wherever we are, we’re miles apart
I know that we tried, but this is the last goodbye

We were almost beautiful
A broken piece of art put on display
But we were never possible
Another perfect moment thrown away
I know somebody out there will love you
They’ll be the forever we never were
Cause we were everything that’s right at the wrong time.

// Enjoy!....share with your friends, write a comment, show you thanks and love for David Cook - "The Last Goodbye" and don't forget to buy their single / album!!.

David Cook, American Idol
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