Brandon - Heath Wait And See


October 16, 2009 Watch Brandon "Heath Wait And See" New HQ HD CDQ Official Music Html Video Code to put on your webpage,Blog, MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Friendster, Tagged, Hi5,Orkut, Piczo,BlackPlanet, Xanga, profile and so on.

Popular Brandon "Heath Wait And See" Lyrics which becomes a hits on Music Charts around the world : Billboard (US), BBC UK and Aria (Australia). Including song information : band / artist name, name of the album, single release date and music genre.

Brandon "Heath Wait And See" lyrics:

I was born in Tennessee
Late July humidity
Doctor said I was lucky to be alive

I've been trouble since the day that I got here
Trouble till the day that I disappear
That'll be the day that I finally get it right

There is hope for me yet
Because God won't forget
All the plans he's made for me
I have to wait and see
He's not finished with me yet

I never really was that good in school
I talked too much, broke the rules
Teacher thought I was hopeless fool alright

I don't know how but I made it through
It's one of those things that you've gotta do
But I always had a knack for telling the truth


Still wondering why I'm here
Still wrestling with my fear
But oh, He's up to something
And the farther on I go
I've seen enough to know
That I'm, not here for nothing
He's up to something

So now's my time to be a man
Follow my heart as far as I can
No telling where I'm ending up tonight
I never slow down or so it seems
But singing my heart it's one of my dreams
All I gotta do is hold on tight


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Wait and See, from, Brandon Heath, pop
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