Arctic Monkeys - My Propeller (Official)


March 19, 2010 Arctic Monkeys "My Propeller" is the third single from Arctic Monkeys’ third studio album “Humbug” The song will be released on March 22, 2010, and folows its two predecesors from Humbug, “Crying Lightning” and “Cornerstone”, with the 10? vinyl being sold exclusively at Oxfam charity stores. The 10? version of the single will feature three new b-sides, with the 7? bringing one new b-side. All lyrics written by Alex Turner, all music composed by Arctic Monkeys. This video is made only to promote the artist. Content is copyrighted and property to their respective owners!. The Arctic Monkeys - My Propeller video should be accessible on this site from every country.

Watch and lsiten to Arctic Monkeys - My Propeller New HQ HD CDQ Official Music Html Video Code to put on your webpage,Blog, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Friendster, Tagged, Hi5,Orkut, Piczo,BlackPlanet, Xanga, profile and so on.

Popular Arctic Monkeys - "My Propeller" Lyrics which becomes a hits on Music Charts around the world : Billboard (US), BBC UK and Aria (Australia). Including song information : band / artist name, name of the album, single release date and music genre.

Arctic Monkeys - My Propeller Lyrics

If you can summon the strength, tow me
I can’t hold down the urgency
you’ve got to make your decent slowly
And oil up those sticky keys

Coax me out, my love
And have a spin of my propeller

It’s a necessary evil
No cause for emergency
Borrow the beak of a bald eagle
Oh, momentary synergy

Coax me out, my love
Sink into tomorrow
Coax me out, my love
And have a spin of my propeller

My propeller won’t spin
and I can’t get it started
on my own
When are you arriving?
My propeller won’t spin
and I can’t get it started
on my own
When are you arriving?
My propeller won’t spin
and I can’t get it started
on my own
When are you arriving?
My propeller

"My Propeller" Song Information

Released 22 March 2010
Genre Psychedelic rock, Alternative rock
Length 3:28
Label Domino
Writer Alex Turner
Producer James Ford

// Enjoy....share with your friends .. write a comment, show you thanks and love for Arctic Monkeys and don't forget to buy their single / album!!.  Arctic Monkeys My Propeller - Psychedelic, rock, Alternative rock msuic news 2010. music on demand with lyrics on demand.

Rock & Alternative
Arctic Monkeys, Psychedelic, rock, Alternative rock
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