Anna Bergendahl - The Army [Official]


September 01, 2010 Anna Bergendahl The Army [Official HD Video]
Label: Lionheart Records
Published by: Lionheart International AB
Director: Le Monde de Leo
Production Company: Wizard Film

Anna Bergendahl "The Army" Lyrics

It was the calm before the storm and she was taking up the torch
She saw them riding for a fall, blind to the spirit of the lord
They sold their bodies and their souls but she held on to keep her own
Cause there were something in the air
that told her just fall in the stairs

Don't lose your faith, the light will shine on your way
and listen - don't change your heart
The day will breaking you, stand tall

And so she builds an army with all her friends
All prepared to fight til the bitter end
and they started marching irrespectable
It's the only dying in the name of love, love

And they were heading for the hills
She filled her caution to the wind and travelled off the beaten track
The one with shuttles of the past

Don't lose your faith, the light will shine on your way
and listen - don't change your heart
The day will breaking you, stand tall

And so she builds an army with all her friends
All prepared to fight til the bitter end
and they started marching irrespectable
It's the only dying in the name of love, love

It was the calm before the storm and she was taking up the torch
She saw them riding for a fall, blind to the spirit of the lord

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Anna Bergendahl, Singel, Melodifestivalen 2010, Eurovision Song, Contest, ESC, Norway, Sweden, Sverige, Yours, Sincerely, Lionheart, International, Universal, Music
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