Grammy Nomination Concert - B.o.B and Bruno Mars' Performances at Grammy Nomination Concert


December 02, 2010 New artists B.o.B and Bruno Mars, who have more than one chance to bring home Golden Gramophone next year, teamed up for a duet of "Nothin' on You" at the recent Grammy nominations concert. The joint track has placed them in three battles, Record of the Year, Best Rap/Sung Collaboration and Best Rap Song - This video is made only to promote the artist. Content is copyrighted and property to their respective owners!. The B.o.B and Bruno Mars' Performances at Grammy Nomination Concert Live video should be accessible on this site from every country. the full versions coming soon.. the full Official Music Video  will be available soon on this site.

B.o.B Live :

Bruno Mars Live:

Watch B.o.B and Bruno Mars' Performances at Grammy Nomination Concert Live  New HQ HD CDQ Official Music Html Video Code to put on your webpage,Blog, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Bebo, Friendster, Tagged, Hi5,Orkut, Piczo,BlackPlanet, Xanga, profile and so on.

Grammy Nomination Concert, B.o.B, Bruno Mars
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