Bright Eyes - Shell Games (Official)


February 17, 2011 Bright Eyes' 'Shell Games'  Official Music Video. Indie rock band Bright Eyes follow up the release of their eighth studio album with a music video for "Shell Games". Debuted exclusively via, the music video directed by Nik Fackler plays with silhouettes of the band members playing inside a room while the snow freezes everything outside. Enjoy....share with your friends, write a comment, show you thanks and love for Video Premiere: Bright Eyes' 'Shell Games' and don't forget to buy their single / album!!. music on demand with lyrics on demand.

Bright Eye Shell Games  lyrics

Check back within a few days or weeks and the Bright Eyes' 'Shell Games'  lyrics Should be here.

But if you feel like you are up to the challenge You can add the Bright Eyes' 'Shell Games' lyrics yourself in the 'comment' field below. It would be much appreciated by us and other visitors. thankyou!!

Rock & Alternative
bright eyes
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